Friday, September 28, 2007

beans picnik week 3

beans everywhere 2, originally uploaded by pmartin.lapin.

I changed the exposure and flipped this photo. The change in contrast allows me to see everyone in the room. The flip further differentiates it from the original.

Tripper map week 3

Get your own Trippermap!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

beans everywhere flickr wk 3

beans everywhere, originally uploaded by pmartin.lapin.

We're always having fun at BC. Boy, what a mess.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Internet safety

I read the internet safety information and it is just plain scary. Given the issues of privacy and safety, I find that I am unwilling to identify myself in the environment. I will enjoy learning the new technology. I will be happy to help others become familar, but I am not certain that I will use it beyond this learning experience.


Having read the learning contract information, I think that I will have trouble finding a quiet place to work. My assigned work time is in the branch work room in the middle of the day. It is not a noisy place but there are phone calls and work conversations going on during my assigned time. Since I have issues with concentrating and noise, I may be doing the lion share of my blogging and learning at home.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hi, I'm new in town. Well new to blogging...

I'm unconfortable with this new format but I suppose that after a few weeks of logging on a chatting away i'll be more comfortable.